
當你使用 eCup 服務,即代表你放心將你的資料交託給 eCUp。我們非常重視你對我們的信任,並將致力確保不會辜負你的期望。要做到這點,首先我們希望讓你了解我們的私隱資料處理慣例。

本政策說明我們所收集的資料、使用和分享這些資料的方式,以及你就相關資料可以作出的選擇。我們亦已將私隱資料處理慣例的重點結集成 私隱政策常見問題,建議你在細讀《私隱政策》的同時一併參閱。



此政策適用于全球的 eCup 服務使用者,包括eCUp 的 App、網站、功能和其他服務使用者。

本政策適用 eCup的使用者,及任何與 eCup 聯繫或提交資訊者,除非下文另有說明。包括使用 eCup服務來:

– 訂購飲品的人 (消費用家)
– 訂單飲品製作店舖 (店主)

除受制於單獨私隱政策、通知或協議如 eCup私隱政策的人外,任何其他使用eCup 服務 (包括 App ,網站和 API ) 或聯繫eCup或提交資訊的人

eCup 收集以下類別的資訊:



提交車輛和保險的資訊 (司機合作夥伴)
通過eCup App或網站,購買服務
通過我們提供的服務聯繫其他 eCup 使用者

2.使用 eCup 服務時需要的資訊
根據使用的服務,App 設置和裝置許可,eCup 可能收集由 GPS、 IP位址和無線網路資料確定的用戶精確或粗略地點資訊。

若你是消費用家,eCup 會於 eCup App 在裝置前端運行時,收集地點資訊。在部分地區,在 eCup App 設定或裝置許可的情況下,即使 eCup App 只在裝置後台運行,eCup 仍會收集你的地點資訊。


我們收集你與eCup服務的互動資料、偏好和設置選擇等資訊。某些情況下,我們會使用 Cookie、圖元標記和其他類似創造和維持獨特識別字的技術來收集這些資訊。關於此類技術詳情,請參閱 Cookie 聲明。



當您與我們的服務互動時,我們會收集服務器日誌,其中可能包括設備IP地址,訪問日期和時間,應用程序功能或瀏覽的頁面,應用程序崩潰和其他系統活動,瀏覽器類型以及第三方站點或服務 您在與我們的服務互動之前正在使用。


  • 提供如評分或讚賞等意見的用戶
  • 用戶通過其建立或啟用 eCup帳戶的商業夥伴,如支付商、社交媒體服務商、按需音樂服務商、使用eCup API的或eCup 使用其 API 的 App、網站。
  • 行銷服務供應商



eCup收集並使用資訊以實現可靠、便捷的訂購及其他產品和服務。 也包括以下目的:

  • 提升使用者和自身服務的安全及保障。
  • 客戶支援
  • 研究與開發
  • 實現與用戶的通信或用戶之間的通信
  • 提供促銷及競賽
  • 法律相關程式

eCup 收集資訊的用途是:
eCup 將所收集的資訊用於提供、個人化、維護和改善產品及服務。 這包括使用資訊來:

  • 提供訂購及其他服務。
  • 處理或協助就以上服務支付。
  • 實現允許使用者與他人分享資訊的功能,向 eCup 推薦好友,或分享店舖資訊等。
    實現定制個性 eCup 帳戶的功能,如在喜歡的頁面添加標記。
  • 完成提供服務必要的內部操作,包括排除軟體錯誤和操作問題,進行資料分析、測試和研究,監控並分析用法和活動趨勢。


我們使用資料以維持服務的安全、保障和完整。確保使用 App 的合作夥伴與檔案中帳戶所有者匹配,防止欺詐同時保護其他用戶。


eCup 將收集資訊 (包括在通知使用者並確認同意後的客戶支援熱線的通話錄音)用於協助用戶聯繫客戶支援服務,包括:

  • 將用戶引導至恰當的服務支援人員
  • 調查並處理用戶問題
  • 跟蹤並提升用戶支援回饋
  • 研究與開發

eCup 將收集資訊用於測試、研究、分析和產品開發。有益於我們改善和提升服務安全與保障,開發新功能和新產品,促進服務相關保險和金融解決方案。

eCup 將收集資訊用於實現使用者間相互溝通。例如:店舖合作夥伴可以與接收人員確認訂單資訊。

6.來自 eCup 的溝通
eCup 使用收集資訊與使用者溝通產品、服務、促銷、研究、調查、新聞、更新和事件等相關問題。我們也將使用資訊來促銷和進行競賽獲抽獎活動,兌現相關獎勵,為用戶提供與我們的服務和我們合作夥伴的服務有關的廣告與內容。

我們使用收集資訊用於調查或處理使用者在使用 eCup 服務時產生的主張或糾紛問題,及其他法律問題。

Cookies 及第三方科技

eCup 及其合作夥伴在 App、網站、郵件和線上廣告中使用 Cookie 和其他識別技術以實現本政策所述目的。
Cookie 是由網站、 App 、線上媒體和廣告存儲於使用者流覽器或裝置的小型文本。Cookie 及類似技術用於:

  • 認證用戶
  • 記憶用戶偏好和設置
  • 明確內容受歡迎程度
  • 實現並衡量廣告宣傳的有效性
  • 分析網路狀況和趨勢,大致了解使用服務人員的線上行為和興趣

我們也將允許接收其他機構提供收視率調查和分析服務,以在全網提供eCup宣傳並跟蹤報導其表現。這些機構同樣使用 Cookie、網路信標、軟體發展包及其他能識別訪問 eCup 網址和使用服務使用者裝置的技術,同樣也能識別用戶訪問其他線上網址和服務時的裝置。
關於Cookie及其他本章所述技術的更多資訊,包括你對類似技術的選擇,請參閱 Cookie 聲明。


部分 eCup 服務和功能要求我們與用戶所要求人員或其他人員分享使用者資訊。eCup 也與分公司、子公司或商業合作夥伴分享乘客資訊,或在出現糾紛時,將資訊用作法律用途。

eCup 將分享所收集資訊:
若你是店舖合作夥伴,我們將與消費用家分享你的資訊,包括你的店舖位置,消費用家對你的評價;你的聯繫方式 (參照適用法律)。

按用戶要求與其他人員分享。例如: 在用戶要求下,與其朋友分享用戶位置。
與eCup的商業夥伴分享。例如:若用戶通過第三方合作機構或促銷活動機構請求服務,eCup 將與該第三方分享使用者資訊。這包括與 eCup 的 API 或服務整合的其他 App 或網站,或 eCup 與其 API 或服務整合的其他 App 或網站,或 eCup 與其合作推出促銷活動、競賽或專門化服務的商業夥伴。

3.當使用者提交資訊至公眾論壇時,eCup 與公眾分享資訊。
我們樂於傾聽用戶的心聲,包括通過 eCup 部落格、社交媒體及 eCup 網路上特定功能等公眾論壇上傳的意見。當你通過以上方式與我們溝通,該內容將公開。

5.與 eCup 子公司和分公司分享
我們與分、子公司分享資訊以便其為使用者提供服務和處理資料。例如:eCup 將代表其分、子公司處理或存儲資訊。


eCup將向其供應商、顧問人員、行銷夥伴、研究公司和其他為eCup提供服務機構或商業夥伴提供使用者資訊。例如: eCup 可能與上述各方分享資訊,以協助處理承保範圍事項、代表 eCup 開展調查,以及處理服務費用支付。

這包括向執法機構、政府機構、或其他其他第三方機構提供必要的資訊來執行 eCup 服務條款,使用者協定或其他政策以保證 eCup 或他人的權利和財產不受侵害,亦或在與服務相關的主張和爭議事件分享資訊。若用戶使用他人信用卡,我們可能受法律要求提供該持卡者的資訊,包括使用者乘車資訊。

除政策所述,若 eCup 通知你且經你同意,我們將分享你的資訊。


在使用者帳戶啟動的情況下,eCup 將保留使用者的資訊,除非使用者要求刪除該資訊或帳戶。除下述特殊情況,eCup 按照使用者要求將刪除或匿名使用者資訊。

在合法商業權益必要條件下,如欺詐預防和提升用戶安全防護,eCup 有權保留部分資訊。例如:若 eCup 因不當行為或安全事件註銷某個用戶帳戶,我們將保留該使用者資料以防止其申請新的帳戶。相關法律要求;和/或以總計或匿名形式。


eCup 提供查看和管理 eCup 所收集資訊的方式,包括:
eCup使用者能夠在裝置設置或更新其位置和聯繫方式分享意願,以及接收 eCup 的消息的意願。店舖也可在私隱設置欄刪除 eCup 帳戶。

大多數移動裝置系統iOS、Android等) 將部分資料定義為未經同意下不可讀取。不同系統的獲取同意許可方式不同。iOS 系統會在 eCup App 第一次請求某些資料獲取許可時發出預警,並提示你同意 (或不同意) 該請求。Android 裝置會在使用者第一次使用 eCup App 前提示使用者請求許可,使用該 App 表明你同意該請求。

用戶可以在 eCup App 設置欄編輯姓名、電話號碼和與帳戶關聯的電子郵箱。你也可以在 eCup App 中查閱訂單歷史。用戶可以通過 eCup at help.eCup.com 或訪問 私隱政策説明頁 來讀取、修改或複製個人資訊。

你可以拒收 eCup 的促銷郵件 此處。使用者也可以跟從資訊中的指令來拒收廣告郵件或其他資訊。請注意即使你拒收廣告,我們仍會發送非廣告資訊,如:收據或帳戶信息。


我們將不定期更新本政策。若我們有較大的修改,我們將通過 eCup App 或如郵件正其他方式通知使用者。 在相關法律許可範圍內,在通知後繼續使用我們的服務表明你同意本政策的更新。



When you use eCup, you trust us with your information. We are committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices.

This policy describes the information we collect, how it is used and shared, and your choices regarding this information. We recommend that you read this along with our Privacy FAQs, which highlight key points about our privacy practices.

Data collection and use


This policy applies to any users of eCup’s services anywhere in the world, including any users of eCup’s apps, websites, features or other services.

This policy applies to any users of the services of eCup, and to anyone else who contacts eCup or otherwise submits information to eCup, unless noted below. This includes those who use eCup services to:

– Place order (consumer)
– Provide beverage or services (shop owner)

Any other user of eCup’s services (including apps, websites and API), and anyone else who contacts eCup or otherwise submits information to eCup, unless subject to a separate privacy policy, notice or agreement such as the eCup Privacy Policy

The information we collect

eCup collects the following categories of information:

Information you provide

This includes information submitted when you:

  • Create or update your eCup account, which depending on your location and the eCup services you use may include your name, email.
  • Submit information about your order (for shops)
  • Request services through an eCup app or website
  • Contact eCup, including for customer support
  • Contact other eCup users through our services
  • Complete surveys sent to you by eCup or on behalf of eCup


Information created when you use our services
This includes:
Location Information
Depending on the eCup services that you use, and your app settings or device permissions, eCup may collect your precise or approximate location information as determined through data such as GPS, IP address and WiFi.

If you are a consumer, eCup may collect location information when the eCup app is running in the foreground. In certain regions, eCup may also collect this information when the eCup app is running in the background of your device if this collection is enabled through your app settings or device permissions.

Transaction Information
We collect transaction details related to your use of our services, including the type of services you requested or provided, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance travelled and other related transaction details. Additionally, if someone uses your promotion code, we may associate your name with that person.

Usage and Preference Information
We collect information about how you interact with our services, preferences expressed and settings chosen. In some cases we do this through the use of cookies, pixel tags and similar technologies that create and maintain unique identifiers. To learn more about these technologies, please see our Cookie Statement.

Device Information
We may collect information about the devices you use to access our services, including the hardware models, operating systems and versions, software, file names and versions, preferred languages, unique device identifiers, advertising identifiers, serial numbers, device motion information and mobile network information.

Log Information
When you interact with our services, we collect server logs, which may include information like device IP address, access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, type of browser and the third-party site or service you were using before interacting with our services.

Information from other sources
These may include:

  • Users providing feedback, such as as ratings or compliments
  • eCup business partners through which you create or access your eCup account, such as payment providers, social media services, on-demand music services, or apps or websites who use eCup’s APIs or whose API eCup uses
  • Marketing service providers

eCup may combine the information collected from these sources with other information in its possession.

How we use your information

eCup collects and uses information to enable reliable and convenient ordering and other products and services. We also use the information we collect:

  • To enhance the safety and security of our users and services
  • For customer support
  • For research and development
  • To enable communications to or between users
  • To provide promotions or contests
  • In connection with legal proceedings
  • eCup does not sell or share your personal information to third parties for third party direct marketing purposes.

eCup uses the information it collects for purposes including:
Providing services and features
eCup uses the information we collect to provide, personalise, maintain and improve our products and services. This includes using the information to:

  • Enable ordering and other services
  • Process or facilitate payments for those services
  • Enable features that allow you to share information with other people, such as when you refer a friend to eCup, share shop information to your friends
  • Enable features to personalise your eCup account, such as creating bookmarks for your favourite places
  • Perform internal operations necessary to provide our services, including to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems, to conduct data analysis,
  • testing and research, and to monitor and analyse usage and activity trends

Safety and security
We use your data to help maintain the safety, security and integrity of our services. This helps ensure that the shops using the app matches the eCup account we have on file, preventing fraud and helping to protect other users.

Customer support

eCup uses the information we collect (including recordings of customer support calls after notice to you and with your consent) to assist you when you contact our customer support services, including to:

  • Direct your questions to the appropriate customer support person
  • Investigate and address your concerns
  • Monitor and improve our customer support responses
  • Research and development

We may use the information we collect for testing, research, analysis and product development. This allows us to improve and enhance the safety and security of our services, develop new features and products, and facilitate insurance and finance solutions in connection with our services.

Communications among users
eCup uses the information we collect to enable communications between our users. For example, shop partner may call a delivery recipient with information about their order.

Communications from eCup
eCup may use the information we collect to communicate with you about products, services, promotions, studies, surveys, news, updates and events. eCup may also use the information to promote and process contests and sweepstakes, fulfil any related awards, and serve you relevant ads and content about our services and those of our business partners.

Legal proceedings and requirements
We may use the information we collect to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to your use of eCup’s services, or as otherwise allowed by applicable law.

Cookies and third-party technologies

eCup and its partners use cookies and other identification technologies on our apps, websites, emails and online ads for purposes described in this policy.
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites, apps, online media and advertisements. eCup uses cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as:

  • Authenticating users
  • Remembering user preferences and settings
  • Determining the popularity of content
  • Delivering and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
  • Analysing site traffic and trends, and generally understanding the online behaviours and interests of people who interact with our services


We may also allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services for us, to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs and other technologies to identify your device when you visit our site and use our services, as well as when you visit other online sites and services.

Please see our Cookie Statement for more information regarding the use of cookies and other technologies described in this section, including regarding your choices relating to such technologies.

Some of eCup’s, services and features require that we share information with other users or at your request. We may also share your information with our affiliates, subsidiaries and business partners, or for legal reasons or in the event of a dispute.

eCup may share the information we collect:
With other users
For example, if you are a consumer, we may share your first name and location with shop partners.
If you are a shop partner, we may share information with your status, location; your average rating; and contact information (depending upon applicable laws).

At your request
This includes sharing your information with:
Other people at your request. For example, we may share your location with a friend at your request.
eCup business partners. For example, if you requested a service through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party, eCup may share your information with those third parties. This may include, for example, other apps or websites that integrate with our APIs or services, or those with an API or service with which we integrate, or business partners with whom eCup may partner with to deliver a promotion, a contest or a specialised service.

With the general public when you submit content to a public forum
We love hearing from our users — including through public forums such as eCup blogs, social media and certain features on our network. When you communicate with us through those channels, your communications may be viewable by the public.

With eCup subsidiaries and affiliates
We share information with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. For example, eCup may process or store information on behalf of its international subsidiaries and affiliates.

With eCup service providers and business partners

eCup may provide information to its vendors, consultants, marketing partners, research firms and other service providers or business partners. For example, eCup may provide information to such parties to help facilitate insurance coverage, to conduct surveys on our behalf and to process payments for our services.

For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute
eCup may share your information if we believe it is required by applicable law, regulation, operating agreement, legal process or governmental request.
This includes sharing your information with law enforcement officials, government authorities or other third parties as necessary to enforce our Terms of Service, user agreements or other policies, to protect eCup’s rights or property or the rights or property of others, or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to your use of our services. If you use another person’s credit card, we may be required by law to share information with that credit card holder, including trip information.
This also includes sharing your information with others in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company.

With your consent
eCup may share your information other than as described in this policy if we notify you and you consent to the sharing.

Information retention and deletion

eCup retains your information while your account remains active, unless you request deletion of your information or account. In some cases we may retain certain information about you as required by law or other purposes as described in this section even if you delete your account.
eCup retains your information while your account remains active, unless you ask us to delete your information or your account. Subject to the exceptions described below, eCup deletes or anonymises your information upon request.
Subject to applicable law, eCup may retain information after account deletion:
If there is an unresolved issue relating to your account, such as an unresolved claim or dispute;
If we are required to by applicable law; and/or in aggregated and/or anonymised form.
eCup may also retain certain information if necessary for its legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention and enhancing users’ safety and security. For example, if eCup shuts down a user’s account because of unsafe behaviour or security incidents, eCup may retain certain information about that account to prevent that user from opening a new eCup account in the future.

Choice and transparency

eCup provides means for you to see and control the information that eCup collects, including through:
Device permissions
Marketing opt-outs
eCup gives users the the ability to set or update their location and contacts sharing preferences, and their preferences for receiving mobile notifications from device. Shop partner can also delete their eCup account by contacting us

Device Permissions
Most mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have defined certain types of device data that apps cannot access without your consent. And these platforms have different permission systems for obtaining your consent. The iOS platform will alert you the first time the eCup app wants permission to access certain types of data and will let you consent (or not consent) to that request. Android devices will notify you of the permissions that the eCup app seeks before you first use the app, and your use of the app constitutes your consent.

Accessing and Correcting Your Information
You can edit the name, phone number and email address associated with your account through the Settings menu in eCup’s apps. You can also look up your order history in the eCup apps. You may also request access to, correction of, or a copy of your information by contacting eCup at help.eCup.com or visiting our Privacy Policy Help Page.

Marketing Opt-Outs
You may opt out of receiving promotional emails from eCup here. You may also opt out of receiving emails and other messages from eCup by following the instructions in those messages. Please note that if you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional messages, such as receipts for your order if applicable

Updates to this policy

We may occasionally update this policy. If you use our services after an update, you consent to the updated policy.
We may occasionally update this policy. If we make significant changes, we will notify you of the changes through the eCup apps or through others means, such as email. To the extent permitted under applicable law, by using our services after such notice, you consent to our updates to this policy.
We encourage you to periodically review this policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. We will also make prior versions of our privacy policies available for review.