如何獲得 eCup x WeLab「咖啡回贈$10日日賞」優惠?
How to get the eCup x WeLab “$10 rebate per cup of coffee” in March and April?
( 8/5 更新: 活動已完滿結束,感謝支持! The promotion is ended. Thank you for your support! )
<更新 1/6/2021> 優惠活動已完滿結束。覆核後,參加者所得的咖啡回贈將於 3/6 存入 eCup app 內。
<更新 3/6/2021> 所有咖啡回贈已於 3/6 存入參加者 eCup app 內。多謝支持。
<Update on 1 Jun> The promotion is ended. Coffee credits will be distributed to your eCup app account by 3 Jun.
<Update on 3 Jun> All coffee rebates has been deposited to participant eCup app. Thank you!

由 2023年 3 月 1 日至 4 月 30 日,於eCup App用 WeLab Debit Card簽賬,享受高達 HKD 200* 咖啡回贈🥳!輸入優惠碼「WELABCUP」登記,用 eCup App 日日買咖啡啦!☕
3至4月份憑 WeLab Debit Card 於eCup App付款買咖啡,每天可獲一次 HK$10咖啡回贈,推廣期內最多可享優惠 20 次,總值高達HK$200!🆙
咖啡回贈將分別於4月12日及5月8日前,自動存入你的eCup App 內作往後落單使用🌟咖啡回贈適用於咖啡自取。
Coffee discount in March to April! Order in eCup App with WeLab Debit card, earn HKD10 coffee rebate per cup. During the promotional period, each customer can get 1 rebate per day, max 20 times. Total rebates can reach HK$200!
WeLab Bank官網鏈結: https://www.welab.bank/zh/feature/ecup_2023
「HSBC」官網連結 Website: https://www.redhotoffers.hsbc.com.hk/tc/latest-offers/red-hot-shopping-special/ecommerce/offer/

步驟二 Step 2:
在 “個人設定>付款方式”,加入WeLab Debit Card,或在付款時使用Apple Pay 或 Google Pay並以WeLab Debit Card結賬。
In “Preference>Payment Method”, add your WeLab Debit Card. Or, check out using Apply Pay / Google Pay with your WeLab Debit Card.

步驟三 Step 3:
在 ”送禮>已收禮物”,輸入優惠碼「WELABCUP」登記 「咖啡回贈$10日日賞」優惠。
In “Gift>Your Treat”, enter promo code “WELABCUP” to register the $10 coffee reward promotion.

步驟四 Step 4:
落單並使用 WeLab Debit Card 付款。
Order and pay with your WeLab Debit Card.

步驟五 Step 5:
推廣優惠完結後,你將4月12日及5月8日前,自動獲得咖啡回贈總額,以作往後於eCup App落單時使用。
At the end of the promotion, you will receive a lump sum of coffee rebates automatically by 12/4 and 8/5. Coffee rebates can be use for any subsequent purchase.

🌟 提提你,請確保你的電話設定開啟 eCup App提示。我們會預告你的回贈金額,回贈總數可高達HK$200。
Remember to turn on eCup App notification in your mobile device setting. We will notice you your collected rebate amount, with a max of HK$200.
有任何問題歡迎聯絡 support@ecup.hk,我們會全力協助你。
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@ecup.hk.
優惠受條件及細則約束。Terms and conditions apply.
Terms and Conditions
- WeLab Bank X eCup優惠(「本優惠」)的優惠期為2023年3月1日至2023年4月30日(包括首尾兩日)(「優惠期」)。
- 本優惠適用於在優惠期內擁有 WeLab Bank Limited(匯立銀行有限公司)(「WeLab Bank」)有效銀行賬戶的客戶(「你」或「你的」)。你須透過eCup手機App (「eCup App」)以WeLab Debit Card簽賬購買eCup HK Limited(「eCup」)合作咖啡店上供應之咖啡飲品以享有本優惠。
- 你須於付款前在eCup App輸入優惠碼「WELABCUP」成功登記本優惠後 ,方可享本優惠。
- 於優惠期內,你可享之每筆合資格交易優惠回贈為價值HKD 10咖啡回贈(「咖啡回贈」)。你最多只可享有每日1次及每月10次的咖啡回贈。於任何情況下,你最多可於本優惠下享有價值HKD200咖啡回贈。
- 上一個曆月的咖啡回贈將從下一個曆月的第一天起5個工作天內以eCup Dollar 形式於eCup App發放。咖啡回贈只適用於在 eCup App 購買任何合作咖啡店上供應的咖啡,並必須於咖啡回贈轉入你的 eCup App 起計3 個月內使用,逾期作廢。
- 本優惠的名額有限,先到先得。本優惠限額以WeLab Bank 及eCup的記錄為最終及具決定性。本優惠只適用於 eCup 合作咖啡店。
- 你的WeLab Debit Card及核心帳戶必須於優惠期內仍然有效及信用狀況良好,方可享有本優惠。
- 合資格交易的定義為在優惠期內於eCup App以你的WeLab Debit Card以任何貨幣簽賬購買eCup合作咖啡店供應的咖啡飲品的交易。對於交易是否合資格(視乎情況而定),WeLab Bank及 eCup 擁有最終決定權。 WeLab Bank及 eCup可能會酌情決定不時增加或刪除不符合條件的交易清單。
- 所有全數被取消或撤銷的交易將不被計算為合資格交易。
- 除非WeLab Bank及eCup另有註明,你不可將咖啡回贈兌換成現金、其他產品、服務或折扣,亦不能轉讓本優惠。
- 如果WeLab Bank及eCup認為你違反任何適用法律法規、欺詐、濫用和/或不遵守本條款及細則,將有權撤銷你參加本優惠的資格及/或暫停或終止你於WeLab Bank的任何或所有賬戶。在不作另行通知的情況下,WeLab Bank及eCup不會向你支付任何咖啡回贈及/或有權從你的eCup App扣除已經支付的咖啡回贈。另外,WeLab Bank保留所有採取任何法律行動的權利追討任何未償還的款項。
- 本條款及細則應與WeLab Bank的賬戶條款(「賬戶條款」)一起閱讀。如果本條款及細則與賬戶條款不一致,則按以下順序進行:(i) 本條款及細則;及(ii) 賬戶條款
- 除非另有定義,否則在賬戶條款中的定義應與本條款及細則具有相同含義。
- 對於eCup及任何eCup 合作咖啡店就本優惠提供的貨品及服務質素或任何他們提供或不提供的額外優惠/折扣, 我們恕不承擔任何責任。如對產品/服務的質素或供應情況有任何查詢,請查閱eCup及任何eCup 合作咖啡店有關的條款及細則。
- 本優惠須受本條款及細則及eCup的條款及細則約束。有關最新之優惠內容、供應及條款及細則,請參閱有關網頁。
- WeLab Bank及eCup保留有關你參與本優惠資格的最終決定權。WeLab Bank及eCup的決定將具有決定性及約束力。
- WeLab Bank及eCup保留隨時暫停丶修訂或終止本優惠及本條款及細則之權利,而毋須另行通知。若有任何爭議,WeLab Bank及eCup保留最終決定權。
- 如本條款及細則之英文版本與中文版本如有任何分歧,概以英文版本為準。
- The WeLab Bank X eCup Promotion Offer (“Offer”) period shall be from 1 March 2023 to 30 April 2023 (both dates inclusive) (“Offer Period”).
- The Offer is applicable to existing customers (“you” or “your”) of WeLab Bank Limited (“WeLab Bank”) who hold a valid bank account with WeLab Bank within the Offer Period. WeLab Debit Card must be used for ordering coffee beverages served by any eCup HK Limited (“eCup”) partnered coffee shops via eCup Mobile Application (“eCup App”) during the Offer Period in order to enjoy the Offer.
- To enjoy the Offer, you have to successfully register the Offer by entering the promotion code of ‘WELABCUP’ in eCup App before checkout.
- In the Offer Period, you can enjoy up to HKD 10 value Coffee Rebate per each Eligible Transaction (“Coffee Rebate”). The Coffee Rebate is capped at once per day and a maximum of 10 times per month. In all circumstances, the total amount of Coffee Rebate you can earn from this Offer is capped at HKD 200 value.
- The Coffee Rebate of the preceding calendar month will be credited to your eCup App in the form of eCup Dollar within 5 working days from the 1st day of next calendar month. Coffee Rebate can only be used in eCup App to order coffee from any eCup partnered coffee shops, and must be used within 3 months from the date on which the Coffee Rebate is credited to your eCup App.
- There are limited quotas for this Offer and it is rewarded on a first come first served basis. The records of WeLab Bank and eCup on the available Offer quotas are final and conclusive. The Offer is only applicable at designated eCup partnered coffee shops.
- Your WeLab Debit Card and Core Account should be valid and in good standing during the Promotional Period in order to be eligible for the Offer.
- Eligible Transactions are defined as transactions conducted via eCup App using your WeLab Debit Card for ordering coffee beverages served by any eCup partnered coffee shops within the Offer Period in any currency. Our decision as to what constitutes an ineligible or Eligible Transaction (as the case may be) shall be final and conclusive. WeLab Bank and eCup may add to, or remove from, the list of ineligible transactions from time to time at the sole discretion of WeLab Bank and eCup.
- Transactions which have been cancelled or reversed in full will not be counted as Eligible Transactions.
- The Coffee Rebate amount cannot be transferred, returned, exchanged, or converted into other forms, unless otherwise specified by WeLab Bank and eCup.
- Any breach of applicable laws or regulations, fraud, abuse and/or non-compliance by you (as determined at sole discretion of WeLab Bank and eCup) will result in forfeiture of your eligibility to participate in the Offer and/or suspension or termination of all or any of your Account with WeLab Bank. WeLab Bank and eCup shall not credit the Coffee Rebate amount or where the Coffee Rebate amount has been credited, WeLab Bank and eCup reserve the right to debit the Coffee Rebate from your eCup App without notice and/or take such necessary legal action to recover any outstanding amounts.
- These terms and conditions shall be read in connection with WeLab Bank’s Account Terms (the “Account Terms”). In the event of inconsistency between these terms and conditions and the Account Terms, the prevailing order shall be as follows: (i) these terms and conditions; and (ii) the Account Terms.
- Terms defined in Account Terms shall have the same meanings when used herein, unless otherwise defined.
- WeLab Bank accepts no liability in respect of the quality of the goods and services provided by eCup and/or any eCup partnered coffee shops or any additional offers/discounts which the they may or may not offer. You are advised to check the details and related terms and conditions with eCup and/or any eCup partnered coffee shops.
- The Offer is subject to these terms and conditions and other terms and conditions stipulated by eCup. Please check the relevant website for the latest details, availability and terms and conditions of the offers.
- Your eligibility to participate in this Offer is subject to the final approval at the absolute discretion of WeLab Bank and eCup.
- WeLab Bank and eCup reserve the right to suspend, modify or terminate this Offer and/or amend these terms and conditions at any time. In the event of dispute, the decision of WeLab Bank and eCup shall be final, conclusive and binding.
- In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.