Harvest Coffee Roasters
Harvest Coffee Roasters 店主 Wilson 完滿結束2022年咖啡比賽,為感謝大家支持,
11月-12月全線產品享 8折優惠,把握機會入貨啦!🔥
關於 Harvest Coffee Roaster
Hello, let me introduce you guys to one brand new coffee roaster in Hong Kong,
Harvest Coffee Roasters
We research much good coffee around the world and present the better taste of its suitable roasting level.
As a starter, we have some premium coffee beans supposed to use in World Coffee Championship this year.
To ensure our coffee’s freshness, production is by order to roast after payment. Thank you 🙏🏻
更多資料關於 Wilson Chung
Head Roaster @Harvest Coffee Roasters
Champion - Hong Kong Siphonist Championship 2019
2nd Place - Hong Kong Latte Art Championship 2019
4th Place - Hong Kong Barista Championship 2019
4th Place - Hong Kong Latte Art Championship 2022