如何獲得 eCup x HSBC「咖啡$8日日賞」十一月優惠?
How to get the eCup x HSBC “$8 rebate per cup of coffee” in November?
( 4/12 更新: 活動已完滿結束,感謝支持! The promotion is ended. Thank you for your support! )
<更新 1/6/2021> 優惠活動已完滿結束。覆核後,參加者所得的咖啡回贈將於 3/6 存入 eCup app 內。
<更新 3/6/2021> 所有咖啡回贈已於 3/6 存入參加者 eCup app 內。多謝支持。
<Update on 1 Jun> The promotion is ended. Coffee credits will be distributed to your eCup app account by 3 Jun.
<Update on 3 Jun> All coffee rebates has been deposited to participant eCup app. Thank you!

仲記得 「5月啡嚐$8賞」嗎? 11月強勢再來!
誠意送上 11月咖啡大優惠,使用滙豐信用卡於 eCup App購買咖啡,每杯可享價值HK$8 回贈。 優惠期間,每名客戶每日最多可享一次優惠,最多20次,總值高達HK$160!
Remember the Coffee discount in Nov? We are back!
BIG coffee discount in May! Order in eCup App with HSBC credit card, earn HK$8 coffee rebate per cup. During the promotional period, each customer can get 1 rebate per day, max 20 times. Total rebates can reach HK$160!
HSBC官網鏈結: https://www.redhotoffers.hsbc.com.hk/tc/latest-offers/red-hot-shopping-special/ecommerce/offer/
「HSBC」官網連結 Website: https://www.redhotoffers.hsbc.com.hk/tc/latest-offers/red-hot-shopping-special/ecommerce/offer/

步驟二 Step 2:
在 “個人設定>付款方式”,加入匯豐信用卡,或在付款時使用Apple Pay 或 Google Pay並以匯豐信用卡結賬。
In “Preference>Payment Method”, add your HSBC credit card. Or, check out using Apply Pay / Google Pay with your HSBC credit card.

步驟三 Step 3:
在 ”送禮>已收禮物”,輸入優惠碼「HSBCNOV」登記 「11月啡嚐 $8賞」優惠。
In “Gift>Your Treat”, enter promo code “HSBCNOV” to register the $8 coffee reward promotion.

步驟四 Step 4:
Order and pay with your HSBC credit card。

步驟五 Step 5:
推廣優惠完結後,你將在4/12前自動獲得咖啡回贈總額,以作往後於eCup App落單時使用。
At the end of the promotion, you will receive a lump sum of coffee rebates automatically by 4/12. Coffee rebates can be use for any subsequent purchase.

🌟 提提你,請確保你的電話設定開啟 eCup App提示。我們將每星期發送預告你的回贈金額,回贈總數可高達HK$160。
Remind you to turn on eCup App notification in your mobile device setting. We will tell you your collected rebate amount weekly, with a max of HK$160.
有任何問題歡迎聯絡 support@ecup.hk,我們會全力協助你。
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@ecup.hk.
優惠受條件及細則約束。Terms and conditions apply.
Terms and Conditions
- 優惠由 2022 年 11 月 1 日至 11 月 30 日。
- 優惠只適用於購買eCup合作咖啡店上供應之咖啡飲品。
- 優惠只適用於使用任何 HSBC 信用卡在 eCup App 內,透過信用卡、Apple Pay 或 Google Pay 付款。
- 優惠期間,每名客戶最多接受 20次回贈,上限為咖啡回贈價值 HK$160。
- 推廣期間合共的咖啡回贈,將於 2022年 12月4日 23:59 前送入你的 eCup App。
- 咖啡回贈只適用於在 eCup App 購買任何合作咖啡店上供應的咖啡。
- 咖啡回贈必須於 3 個月內使用,逾期作廢。
- 咖啡回贈不適用於 eCup App內市集網購。
- 咖啡回贈不可兌換現金或轉讓。
- 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 及eCup HK保留修改此優惠條款及細則之權利而無須另行通知。
- Promotion period is from 1 to 30 November 2022.
- Promotion applies to order coffee beverages served by any eCup partnered coffee shops.
- Promotion applies to order via eCup App by any HSBC credit cards via credit card payment, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
- In the promotion period, each customer can receive a maximum of 20 order rebate, valued at HKD 160 coffee rebate.
- A lump sum of coffee rebate earned in the entire promotion period will be granted to your eCup App before 4 December 2022 end of the day.
- Coffee rebate can only be used in eCup App to order coffee from any eCup partnered coffee shops.
- Coffee rebate must be used within 3 months before expiry.
- Coffee rebate not applicable to marketplace purchase in eCup App.
- Coffee rebate cannot be exchanged for cash or transfer to others.
- The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and eCup reserve the right to change the type of gifts without prior notice.
每朝返工前,先係 eCup App 用滙豐信用卡預先購買咖啡,唔單只可以減省排隊落單輪候時間,仲可以享受回贈,快啲下載啦!