Nuts 咖啡掛耳包 (10包裝)
Nuts Espresso Blend
Nuts Espresso Blend 在2019年澳洲 Australian International Coffee Awards Espresso Class 取得銀獎,我們很榮幸可以在第一次參加這項賽事中,能夠與160個來自世界各地烘焙師一起角逐這項榮譽,最終奪得銀獎!
當烘焙師Sam設計這款拼配咖啡前,Sam一直在尋找一些酸度很低而不苦的咖啡,他剛入行時聽過有咖啡師介紹咖啡大約分為nutty 和fruity 兩大類。但在日常工作中,沒有接觸到一些真正是nutty的咖啡,要是沒有酸就當成nutty,或者烘焙較深也算是nutty,所以就開始想,到底咖啡師口中的nutty是從何而來呢?
於是我們就朝著nutty 的方向尋找烘焙深度及拼配比例。在過程中,Sam一直堅持這款只烘到中烘焙,不要烘到深烘焙,原因是希望避免深烘焙的味道把咖啡中的nutty蓋過;第二個堅持是將酸度減低。這兩個堅持讓我們只可以從咖啡豆的產區、處理法及拼配比例著手。
Nuts於2019 年5月獲美國Coffee Review 評鑑 89 分的成績,結果及評語如下:
Review Date: May 2019
Agtron: 42/54
Aroma: 8
Body: 8
Flavor: 8
Aftertaste: 7
With Milk: 8
Blind Assessment:
Evaluated as espresso. Sweetly nutty with a slight salty edge. Nut (roasted almond, peanut-butter), dark chocolate, scorched oak, prune, pungent lily in aroma and small cup. Mouthfeel is lightly satiny. The short finish consolidates around bittersweet nut, with a slight drying edge in the long. In three parts milk, distinctly nutty and bittersweet with hints of cocoa.
This blend consists of an El Salvador and a dry-processed or natural Arabica from the Cerrado region of Brazil. Sensory House is a roastery, espresso bar, equipment distributor and training lab based in the Kowloon City District of Hong Kong. Sensory House develops quality espresso blends and sources and roasts high-end single-origin coffees. Visit www.sensoryhouse.coffee to learn more.
The Bottom Line:
A moderately dark-roasted espresso blend that stays impressively true to the nut theme announced by its name.
如果需要更多的資料或介紹,可以直接向我們的烘焙師Sam 查詢
Whatsapp: +852 6289 5309
* 此貨物將由咖啡店或烘焙店直接寄出,確保品質及咖啡的新鮮。
Product Description
Nuts Drip Bag (10 bags)
10 bags per pack
Drink within 3 months
Nuts Espresso Blend
Nuts was graded as 89 by America Coffee Review:
Review Date: May 2019
Agtron: 42/54
Aroma: 8
Body: 8
Flavor: 8
Aftertaste: 7
With Milk: 8
Blind Assessment:
Evaluated as espresso. Sweetly nutty with a slight salty edge. Nut (roasted almond, peanut-butter), dark chocolate, scorched oak, prune, pungent lily in aroma and small cup. Mouthfeel is lightly satiny. The short finish consolidates around bittersweet nut, with a slight drying edge in the long. In three parts milk, distinctly nutty and bittersweet with hints of cocoa.
This blend consists of an El Salvador and a dry-processed or natural Arabica from the Cerrado region of Brazil. Sensory House is a roastery, espresso bar, equipment distributor and training lab based in the Kowloon City District of Hong Kong. Sensory House develops quality espresso blends and sources and roasts high-end single-origin coffees. Visit www.sensoryhouse.coffee to learn more.
The Bottom Line:
A moderately dark-roasted espresso blend that stays impressively true to the nut theme announced by its name.
Contact Sam for more information
Whatsapp: +852 6289 5309
Roasted Level
* This product is shipped directly from the coffee shop / roaster to ensure the freshness.